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Raising page

Create your charity's raising page and give to your community the option to make one-time or monthly donations. You can also manage all your tax receipts for free.

Campaign page

Set your goal, start the countdown, if your campaign reaches its goal in time a Matcher will double the amount already raised!

Why using Allodons?

Find new donors

Donors want to feel helpful. By supporting you, they help you achieve your goals and receive tax receipts instantly. Expand your circle of donors!

Manage your tax receipts for free

When you sign up for a charity account, you get a private access to the donations' progress. Online donations' tax receipts are automatically emailed to donors, and you can also generate cerfas for any other types of payment.

Get your donations instantly

Each donation made to you is instantly returned to your charity's bank account. The transactions are confidential and secured by the TLS protocol. No suscription, no engagement, and no tips asked from your donors.

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